
Entrée, Side, Salad, Fall, Gluten Free, Winter



There is something about purchasing vegetables from a farm stand that makes you feel like you are buying happy produce. The people who work there are typically humble, hands on, and generous in preparation advice. They will gladly peel open an orange so you can taste how much bolder it is than its conventional grocery store counterpart. I remember my first day working at an organic farm up in San Luis Obispo, they handed me a hatchet (Hugh is shuddering at the thought of this) and we began pulling out deep rooted celery, my arms working so hard they were shaking. I put in hours in exchange for a big box of vegetables at the end of the week, and even after shoveling goat doody, filthy clothes and shaking arms, I still feel I got the best end of the deal. It’s usually the ugly ones that taste the best, the nubby, chunky squash that you can hardly figure how to cut open in the first place. The whole ‘beauty is skin deep’ cliché applies just as well to produce as it does to those mean girls from high school. I realize that not everyone has a local farm, but if you are so lucky, you should support it. I guarantee you will meet some wonderful people and happy vegetables.


This is the green salad that you make for people who think green salads are boring. The specks of pomegranate add a touch of tang, the bright nubs of tender fall squash, a crunch of nut, and the dressing has a grown up depth of cider and dijon. Butternut is far from an ugly squash, but it is accessible and perfect here. I passed this recipe on to a few friends when they asked for side dish recommendations; I promise people will remember this salad. The components were inspired by Ina, and then altered to be absolutely everything I love in a salad.


Adapted from Barefoot Contessa

I recommend plating this salad either on a long platter or individually, otherwise all of the goods will end up at the bottom of the bowl.

3 Cups Baby Spinach

3 Cups Butter Lettuce

2 lbs. Butternut Squash, peeled and cut into 1’ cubes

½ Cup Toasted Pistachios

1 Cup Pomegranate Seeds

1 tbsp. Olive Oil

1 tbsp. Real Maple Syrup

Block of Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Salt, Pepper, Red Pepper Flakes

Cider Dressing//

¾ Cup Apple Cider

2 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tbsp. Shallots

2 tsp. Dijon Mustard

1/4 Cup Good Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Salt and Pepper

Oven to 425’

1. In a rimmed baking pan, toss the squash cubes in the oil and syrup. Sprinkle with salt, red pepper flakes and fresh ground pepper. Roast on the top rack for 20 minutes. Remove and cool.

2. While the squash are baking, bring the apple cider, cider vinegar and shallots to a boil in a small saucepan. Boil for about 8 minutes to reduce and remove from the heat. Whisk in the dijon and a pinch of salt and pepper and red pepper flakes to taste. Allow dressing to cool.

3. In a large bowl add the baby spinach, butter lettuce, and toss with a small amount of the dressing. Place tossed salad on a serving platter and distribute the pomegranate seeds, pistachios and then the squash pieces on top. Drizzle a bit more dressing on the squash and shave large pieces of fresh parmesan on top.

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Entrée, Side, Fall, Gluten Free, Winter


I wish I wrote in my journal more often than I do, but I seem to only find myself there when I am sad, working through decisions, or traveling. In each new journal, I have a list of goals on the back page. I always know where to find them, and it's fun looking at journals past to see what I actually attempted to pursue. The six pack abs and fluent spanish and are still pending a number of journals later. For some reason I've taken more action on those in my present journal, and in regards to cooking, I have: 'learn to make a tasty roast chicken' and 'perfect at least three new sauces'.

This recipe, sent to be by my Aunt Suzy who heard it on NPR's Splendid Table, certainly knocks out one of the three. It is easy, sweet, fresh and versatile. It is fairly thick, and would make an amazing spread on a sandwich. You could even thin it out and make it a salad dressing. Like I said, versatile, like the favorite sweatshirt of sauces.


4 Large Portabello Mushrooms

2 Bunches Fresh Spinach, Chopped

2 Cups Cooked Brown Rice, still warm

Zest of One Lemon

Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper

GEORGIAN CILANTRO SAUCE // The sauce is adapted from Martha Rose Shulman's series Recipes for Health in The New York Times. It keeps in the fridge for about 5 days, but be warned that the garlic develops as it sits and effects your breath accordingly.

2 oz Dried Apricots

1 Cup Boiling Water

1/3 Cup Toasted Walnuts

2 Garlic Cloves (to taste), halved, green shoots removed

1/4 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice

1/2 tsp. Salt (more to taste)

2 cups Cilantro, coarsely chopped

1 Cup Parsley, coarsely chopped

1/2 cup coarsely chopped mixed Basil, Tarragon, and Dill

1/4 Cup Walnut Oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil works fine too)

3/4 Cup soaking water from the Apricots, as needed

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes

For the Sauce:

1. Place the dried apricots in a bowl and pour on the boiling water. Let sit for at least an hour, more if possible, even overnight. Drain over a measuring cup and retain 3/4 cup of the soaking water.

2. Turn on a food processor fitted with the steel blade, and drop in the garlic. When it is chopped and adhering to the sides of the bowl, stop the machine and scrape down the bowl. Add the walnuts, and process with the garlic. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the drained apricots, the lemon juice, salt, pepper and red pepper to the bowl, and process to a puree. Add the cilantro and other chopped herbs, and puree, stopping the machine to scrape down the sides several times. Combine the walnut oil and soaking water from the apricots, and with the machine running, gradually add it to the puree. Process until smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Taste and adjust salt. Best at room temperature.

For the Mushrooms:

Oven at 375’

3. Remove the stems from the mushrooms, brush both sides with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and fresh pepper. Put them on a baking sheet, and bake on the upper rack for 8 minutes to soften. Remove.

4. Remove the stems from the spinach and give it a rough chop. Saute the spinach in 2 tbsp. olive oil until just wilted. Add to the warm brown rice and mix together. Add the lemon zest, pinch of salt and pepper. Amount of oil is your discretion here.

5. Add a heaping half cup of the spinach and rice mixture onto the gill side of the mushrooms and sprinkle with fresh herbs and desired amount of sauce.

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Entrée, Side, Fall, Gluten Free, Spring



I am not sure there is a group of people more partial to fall, than the food blogger demographic. I have read countless posts and tweets about the elation brought to most via soups, squashes and pumpkin baked goods. Autumn is like the big hug we all get before the pale skin, freezing toes and overdose of holiday jingles. I do like me some good fall foods, but they seem to require a bit more time, ingredients, number of pots to clean and what forth. The pay off, is the complexity of layered flavors, the tenderness of braising and roasting and aromas that linger for hours. The art of delayed gratification. It's supposed to be 80' here this weekend, so the chilled leftovers of this dish are going to be heaped on a nice plate of spicy greens. I've got my arms out and ready for that hug autumn, where are you?

Note that yams and sweet potatoes are not the same thing, but either could work here. Yams are slightly less starchy, but in this recipe, the taste is not compromised. Be creative with the spices, if you like it spicy add a bit of red pepper, a squeeze of lime at the end if you enjoy citrus or more ginger if you like the zing.



I suggest serving this side, on a wide or long platter, not a bowl. When all the warm potatoes sit on top of each other, they continue to steam and get mushy.

1 Cup Dried Chickpeas/Garbanzos ,soaked in water overnight

3 Large Sweet Potatoes, peeled (about 3 lbs)

¾ Cup Finely Chopped Yellow Onion

2 tbsp. Melted Butter

1 tbsp. Olive Oil

1 tsp. Cinnamon

2 tbsp. Honey

2 tsp. Fresh Nutmeg

1 tbsp. Fresh Grated Ginger

1 Garlic Clove, minced

1 tsp. Salt

1 Lime Zest and Juice

Fresh Ground Pepper

3 tbsp. Fresh Thyme, leaves removed


Oven to 425’

1. In a medium pot, bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add the soaked beans. Gently boil for about 50 minutes until the beans are cooked through. Drain.

2. In the meantime, prepare the peeled potatoes. Cut off the ends and chop them into one inch cubes. Try to make them equal in size, shapes can vary. Put them in a large bowl.

3. In a small bowl, whisk the lime zest and juice, melted butter, oil, garlic, salt, honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg together. Pour the mix over the big bowl of potatoes, stir. Add the drained garbanzos, onions, 2 tbsp. of the fresh thyme and gently fold to cover everything in the spice mixture.

4. Spread the goods evenly onto a rimmed baking sheet. Bake at 425’ in the upper third of the oven for 35-40 minutes, gently stirring halfway through for consistent browning.

5. Let cool a bit before serving, sprinkle fresh pepper, squeeze of lime,taste for salt and sprinkle remaining thyme on top.

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