
Snack, Breakfast, Bread, Winter, Fall


YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen
YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen

"Our first objective has been to peel off the fluff and commercial layers that complicate entertaining. Next we have tried to put the social reasons for inviting friends into our homes - the relationships, traditions, community and conversations- in the foreground and let the superficial details like fancy recipes and table decorations recede into the background...this book represents an effort to take the same communal neighborhood approach by welcoming you into the homes of our Kinfolk team, along with a diverse group of friends, family, contributing writers, artists and other makers." - Nathan Williams, Kinfolk

I think this book is special because it is not your modern day cookbook. The pages do not go between recipe and food photo with an expected rhythm. There are people and stories and a number of super simple or clearly personal recipes, but I like it because it is different. Hugh and I are flattered to be included. We contributed a pancake, as well as a scrambled leek & egg recipe to the book. While they are not mind-blowing by way of ingredients or preparation, they are foods that go through our kitchen routinely, not recipes written for the sake of writing recipes. The breakfast we make together often, and that is where the book hits the mark on its thesis. You'd have to read the entire introduction to put all the pieces together, but it was refreshing to see such a collection of personal, everyday food in a cookbook. Think 50/50 coffee table book to cookbook for a realistic expectation. Kinfolk catches a lot of flack for the curated niche they snuggle into, but the book is different and inspired and gorgeous. I'm not just saying that because there is a full page picture of my babe of a husband.

I made this recipe even though it wasn't paired with a photo, so that's big. Love me a visual. The only swap I made was a bit of spelt flour for some of the bread flour. The recipe in the book is printed with a maple pecan glaze option. I am going to include it here for more a monkey bread/sweet roll-esque deal, which totally has it's time and place. The bread has a decent amount of sugar in it, so I will scale that back to maybe 1/2 or 2/3 a cup if I do the glaze. I will make it for the next loaf, wouldn't mind the extra moisture here. We wanted a sweet bread, but the sort to lightly toast in the morning, so we forfeited the glaze this loaf.

YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen
YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen


Recipe from The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small Gatherings

I used a natural cane sugar as called for, but next time I will swap in some dark muscavado to lend a little of that caramely goodness that pairs well with pumpkin. The one cup of sugar that gets layered in the bread makes it on the sweeter side, scale back if you prefer it less so. Note this is not a slicing bread, it breaks in chunks for a free form breakfast treat. 

  • 4 Tbsp. unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 1/2 tsp. active dry yeast
  • 1 1/4 cups natural cane sugar, divided
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 1/3 cup unbleached bread flour or all purpose
  • 1 cup spelt flour
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. fresh grated nutmeg
YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen
YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen

In a small saucepan over medium heat, cook 2 Tbsp. of the butter, without stirring, until brown bits form, about 3-4 minutes. Stir in the milk and get the mixture to 110' (too hot and it'll kill the yeast). Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, stir in the yeast and 1/4 cup sugar. Let it stand for 10 minutes.

Stir in the pumpkin puree, salt and 1 cup of the bread/all purpose flour. When combined, add the rest of the flour in several additions, kneading between additions. Knead the dough until it is elastic and slightly sticky, 6-8 minutes.

Brush a large bowl with olive oil, place the dough ball inside and turn it over several times until it is well greased. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and allow the dough to rise in a warm, draft free place until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours.

Meanwhile, combine the remaining 1 cup sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and remaining 2 Tbsp. butter and stir well. After the dough has doubled in size, knead it for two minutes. Roll it out into a 12x9 inch rectangle. Sprinkle the sugar mixture on top, gently pressing it into the dough. Slice the dough lengthwise into six strips, and stack them on top of the other. Cut the strips into 6 squares and stack them into a 9x5 inch loaf pan. Cover with a clean dishtowel and allow it to rise for 30 minutes to an hour, until it doubles in size again.

Preheat the oven to 350'. Line a loaf pan with parchment for an easy exit. Bake the loaf on the middle rack for 30 minutes until edges are golden. Set the pan on a rack to cool.

Optional glaze:

  • 3/4 cup confectioners sugar
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp. real maple syrup
  • 1 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
  • 1-2 Tbsp. milk
  • 3/4 cup roasted and salted pecans, chopped

In a medium bowl, whisk together the confectioners sugar, syrup, butter and 1 Tbsp. of the milk. Whisk in more milk for a thinner consistency if desired. Drizzle the glaze over the bread and sprinke with pecans. Serve warm.

YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen
YEASTED PUMPKIN BREAD . sprouted kitchen
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Side, Snack, Breakfast, Bread



There are premature wrinkles around my knees. My mom always thought the tan kids were cuter than the pale ones, so sunscreen went to the extent of a quick swipe of Bullfrog across the lips and nose. People would throw stones at her with the research they have now. My sister and I were adorably bronzed through our childhood, at the cost of the aging knee caps I have now.

I studied my face in the mirror the other day, not out of vanity, but out of amazement that it has changed. This face has taken me through falling in love, loss of family, disappointment, living abroad, challenging jobs, late nights with girlfriends over bottles of wine, moving… you have a list of your own I’m sure. Somewhere in all of that, I’ve grown up. By no means do I feel I’ve suffered hardship, but lessons have been learned that changed me.

There is more life to look forward to, and for that I am grateful. Ambitions float around my head, unorganized, and mixed with the fear of failing. My face will continue to evolve; there will be more love and more loss. The wrinkles on my knees will get deeper; a reminder to me of long Sundays at the beach with my family, tuna sandwiches and boogie boards. I appreciate the momentum that life has, that things change beneath your feet and you don’t always realize it until the ground has since shifted.


So, in honor of wrinkles, we made bread. A hearty compact-english-muffin-type bread, full of texture. It takes time and some unique components, but completely worth it. Just like life.


The recipe is straight from the Big Sur Bakery Cookbook (of which I won from Dana! The astriks indicate what I used of the options).

5 Cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour

½ Cup Flax Seeds

½ Cup Sesame Seeds (I used toasted seeds)

2 Cups Oat Bran

¼ Cup Sunflower Seeds

½ Cup Millet*, Quinoa, Poppy seeds or Amaranth (or any combination)

1 tsp. Kosher Salt

1 tsp. Baking Soda

1/3 Cup Beer


2 ½ Cups Buttermilk*, Milk or Half and Half

Oven to 375, Middle Oven Rack

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silpat.

2. Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and add the beer and buttermilk (or alternative). Use a wooden spoon or your hand to mix the wet batter. Sprinkle some flour on top, and put it on a floured work surface. Gently roll is out to form a loose log, about 2-3 inches in diameter.

3. Cut the log into 1 ½ inch slices and give them a little pat into a patty form. Don't make them too small, they get dry. Lay on the baking sheet. Bake on the middle rack for 40 minutes until golden. Remove and cool.


4. For serving, slice open and toast. They have a raw bread flavor inside (like a bagel or English muffin) so toasting is crucial. Goes excellent with a schmear of Butter/Jam/ Soft Cheese!

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Appetizer, Side, Salad, Summer


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Originally, panzanella was a Tuscan salad made of day-old bread, fresh tomatoes, olive oil, salt and vinegar. Over the years, there have been renditions with fall vegetables, sweet fruits, grilled versions and more. The 'crouton' being the only ingredient that stands strong in all circumstances.

This seasonal panzanella takes all of about 20 minutes to throw together. If you have time, you can roast your own peppers, boil your own chickpeas and blend your own pesto. However, if you need to save yourself a few steps, these items are available, pre-made at a grocery or health food store. If you have a local farmers market, especially in California, tomatoes, peppers and greens are plenty. This recipe is a starting point, but use this as an opportunity to use your fresh produce or appropriate leftovers.

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END OF SUMMER PANZANELLA // Serves 4 as a side

3 Cups Whole Grain Bread, in 1’ Cubes

½ Cup Roasted Red Peppers (make your own or use a jar)

2 Medium Heirloom Tomatoes

½ Medium Sized Red Onion

1 Cup Garbanzo Beans, fresh or canned

1 Cup Basil, Roughly Chopped

1 Cup Arugula

¼ Cup Toasted Pine Nuts

1 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Garlic Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper

PESTO DRESSING // Pesto recipe found (here)

3 tbsp. Pesto

2 tbsp. Lemon Juice

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Oven to 400’

Spread the bread cubes on a baking sheet, drizzle with the tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and toss them around in the baking pan. Give a generous sploosh of salt and pepper and toast in the top rack of the oven for ten minutes. Toss them around half way through baking time.

Prepare your veggies. Give a rough chop to the roasted red peppers. Slice the tomato into cubes, leave them seeded. Slice the red onion as thin as possible either with your amazing knife skills or a mandolin.

In a large bowl, combine the bread, tomatoes (and some of their juices), red onion, red peppers, garbanzo beans, arugula, half of the basil and pine nuts.

Combine the pesto ingredients together with a small whisk. Drizzle desired amount onto the panzanella and toss. Serve immediately once tossed, soggy croutons aren't so good.

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