I'm tempted to not say anything of this experience because I still can't really wrap my head around it. Giving birth to your child, a new LIFE, is simultaneously being intensely present in what is happening while somehow being swept up in the current of it at the same time. He has changed my life, he has changed my relationship with Hugh, and I've only known him ten days. How does one write about this? I won't go into the long story. I don't know if it was particularly interesting, but it was very long. It was crazy and beautiful and overwhelming and humbling and emotional. I felt shocked, physically wrecked, and also like I had accomplished this huge thing I was made to do. I can't explain it. Hugh has exceeded my expectations as both a husband and father in this and I am immeasurably grateful for the partner I have in him. I am home with my boys now and I know little Curran Elliott was always meant to be ours. I still can't believe we get to keep him. <3
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen
Welcome Baby Curran . Sprouted Kitchen