


At some point in my life, after I master the art of self control, I would like to perfect an incredible cookie of my own. By that, I mean the kind of cookie where when you go to a picnic or potluck, they request that you bring 'your' famous cookies. I imagine that would be the ultimate compliment. Now, I am always the 'salad person', which seems fitting. I have been craving a cookie with the ideal personality; slight crunch of the crust, soft center, studded with chocolate and/or oats. The ladies below seem to have one of those famous cookie recipes I speak of, and when I trust that I would not eat all two dozen of them myself, I will make each of these. That may be a ways off from now, but I wanted to pass on the links to you, who I assume has less of a cookie binging complex.

** The reputation for these Chocolate Chip cookies have made their way through blogs, twitter and what not. This lovely lady is hosting baking classes of her own in Seattle now, so if you live anywhere near there, I suggest you hone your skills in one of Ashley's classes. She clearly knows what she's doing.

** When I saw Tara's Dark Chocolate Oatmeal Cherry Chip cookies, I sent this link to every sweets lover I've ever known, as I had never seen such a tempting cookie picture. Seriously, look at that and tell me you don't want a glass of milk and one of those beauties. I must mention, her poetic writing is reason enough to read through every single entry.

** Because I always have my gluten free people in mind, Joy's Peanut Butter Cookies look decadent with that little chocolate goodness on top. Or, if you are a friend of gluten, I trust Dana's stamp of approval on this version as well (and appreciate that she halved the sugar!).

** Lastly, because this recipe restored my personal baking confidence, you should probably try these Oat'Nana Pucks and then bring me some.

As much as I encourage these as written, remember to use unbleached flours, aluminum free baking powder, and natural cane sugars when you can. Happy weekend. Stay warm, hug people and eat well. In that order, specifically.

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